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WOOLSON, Abba Goold
Tags: 1831-1840, 1838, Abba Louise Goold Woolson, April, author, Authors, Boston Journal, Brigham Young, Castilian Club of Boston, Concord, Concord High School, dress reform, editor, Education, Fowler Library, Harper & Brothers, Home Journal, John Greenleaf Whittier, journalist, lecturer, Maine Centennial, Mary Jane Safford, ME, Mt. Auburn Girls' School, New England Women's Club, philanthropist, Philanthropy, poet, Portland, Portland Transcript, professor, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Roberts Brothers, teacher, Teachers, William Lloyd Garrison, Windham, Writing/Publishing
BOND, Mrs. Elizabeth Powell
Tags: 1841, 1841-1850, 1926, Aaron Powell, Anti-Slavery, Boston, Cambridge, Catherine Macy Powell, Concord, Connecticut, Dean, Dean Emeritus, Dio Lewis, Dutchess County, Edwin Powell Bond, Elizabeth Macy Powell, Elizabeth Powell Bond, Ellen Emerson, Ellen Tucker Emerson, Fanny Garrison Villard, George Townsend Powell, Germantown, Hannah Clothier Hull, Herrick Tyler Bond, January 25, Louisa May Alcott, March 29, NY, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Reform, reformer, Swarthmore College, Townsend Powell, Vassar College, William Lloyd Garrison
MOTT, Mrs. Lucretia
Tags: 1791-1800, 1793, Agnes Nininger Kemp, Amanda Deyo, American Anti-Slavery Society, Anna Gardner, author, Authors, Benjamin Franklin, Citizens' Suffrage Association, Education, Edward M. Davis, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frederick Douglass, Free Religious Association, James Mott, January, John Greenleaf Whittier, Juliet H. Severance, Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone, MA, Martha Coffin Wright, Martha H. Mowry, Mary J. Scarlett Dixon, minister, Nantucket, Nine Partners School, orator, Orators, peace reform, Pennsylvania Peace Society, Phebe Anne Hanaford, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Priscilla Holmes Drake, Public Speaking, Quaker, Rachel Foster Avery, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Susan Brownell Anthony, Swarthmore College, teacher, Teachers, Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, woman suffragist, Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
DIXON, Mrs. Mary J. Scarlett
Tags: 1821-1830, 1822, Ann Preston, Anti-Slavery, Education, Emeline Horton Cleveland, Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, Frederick Douglass, George Washington Dixon, Isaac Comley, Lucretia Mott, Mary J. Scarlett Dixon, Medicine, October, orator, Orators, PA, peace reform, Pennsylvania Peace Society, physician, Physicians, professor, Public Speaking, Quaker, Rachel Littler Bodley, Reform, reformer, Robeson township, William Lloyd Garrison, Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania
COLMAN, Mrs. Lucy Newhall
Tags: abolitionist, Abraham Lincoln, American Anti-Slavery Society, Amy Kirby Post, Andrew Jackson Davis, Anti-Slavery, author, Authors, Autobiography, Frederick Douglass, Free-thinkers, Griffith M. Cooper, Henry Bibb, Henry Clarke Wright, John Brown, Joseph Brockway, July, lecturer, Lucy Newhall Colman, MA, Marius Rancine Robinson, National Colored Orphan Asylum, Photius Fisk, Public Speaking, Samuel D. Moore, Sojourner Truth, Spiritualist, Sturbridge, Susan Brownell Anthony, Universalist, Wendell Phillips, Western Anti-Slavery Convention, William Lloyd Garrison, woman suffragist, women as authors, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
STONE, Mrs. Lucy
Tags: 1811-1820, 1818, Alice Stone Blackwell, American Woman Suffrage Association, Anne Whitney, Anti-Slavery, August, author, Authors, Education, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, George William Curtis, Henry Browne Blackwell, Isabella Beecher Hooker, Julia Ward Howe, Lucy Stone, MA, Mary Ashton Livermore, Mary Barr Clay, Oberlin College, Olympia Brown, orator, Orators, Priscilla Holmes Drake, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Samuel Joseph May, Sarah Burger Stearns, teacher, Teachers, West Brookfield, William Lloyd Garrison, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Woman's Journal, women as authors, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing