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- Tags: Home Journal
WOOLSON, Abba Goold
Tags: 1831-1840, 1838, Abba Louise Goold Woolson, April, author, Authors, Boston Journal, Brigham Young, Castilian Club of Boston, Concord, Concord High School, dress reform, editor, Education, Fowler Library, Harper & Brothers, Home Journal, John Greenleaf Whittier, journalist, lecturer, Maine Centennial, Mary Jane Safford, ME, Mt. Auburn Girls' School, New England Women's Club, philanthropist, Philanthropy, poet, Portland, Portland Transcript, professor, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Roberts Brothers, teacher, Teachers, William Lloyd Garrison, Windham, Writing/Publishing
LIPPINCOTT, Mrs. Sara Jane
Tags: 1821-1830, 1823, Abraham Lincoln, All The Year Round, and Fields, Atlantic Monthly, author, Authors, editor, George Mann, George R. Graham, Grace Greenwood, Graham's Magazine, Greenwood Institute, Hammatt Billings, Harper's Magazine, Hearth and Home, Home Journal, Horace Mann, Household Words, Independent, journalist, Julian Hawthorne, Little Pilgrim, Mary Byers, New York Mirror, New York Times, New York Tribune, NY, Onondaga County, Pompey, pseudonym, Reed, Sara Jane Lippincott, September, Tait Sons & Company, Ticknor, Una Hawthorne, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing