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- Tags: New England Women's Club
WOOLSON, Abba Goold
Tags: 1831-1840, 1838, Abba Louise Goold Woolson, April, author, Authors, Boston Journal, Brigham Young, Castilian Club of Boston, Concord, Concord High School, dress reform, editor, Education, Fowler Library, Harper & Brothers, Home Journal, John Greenleaf Whittier, journalist, lecturer, Maine Centennial, Mary Jane Safford, ME, Mt. Auburn Girls' School, New England Women's Club, philanthropist, Philanthropy, poet, Portland, Portland Transcript, professor, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Roberts Brothers, teacher, Teachers, William Lloyd Garrison, Windham, Writing/Publishing
CHENEY, Mrs. Ednah Dow
Tags: 1821-1830, 1824, Amanda L. Aikens, Anna Garlin Spencer, author, Authors, Autobiography, Boston, Boston School of Design for Women, Christian Examiner, Concord School of Philosophy, Ednah Dow Cheney, Elizabeth Buffum Chace, Free Religious Association, Freedman's Aid Society, Harriet Mulford Stone Lothrop, Horticultural School for Women, Index, James Freeman Clarke, journalist, Julia Ward Howe, June, lecturer, Louisa May Alcott, MA, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Martha H. Mowry, Massachusetts School Suffrage Association, Mount Vernon School, New England Hospital for Women and Children, New England Women's Club, North American Review, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Public Speaking, Radical, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Seth Wells Cheney, suffrage, Theodore Parker, Woman's Journal, Women's Medical College, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing