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- Tags: VT
ROHLFS, Mrs. Anna Katharine Green
Tags: 1841-1850, 1846, 7 to 12: A Detective Story, A Matter of Millions, A Strange Disappearance, Agatha Webb, Amelia Butterworth Series, Anna Katharine Green Rohlfs, author, Authors, Behind Closed Doors, books, Brooklyn, Buffalo, criminal law, Dark Hollow, Defense of the Bride and Other Poems, detective, detective fiction, Doctor Izard, Ebenezer Gryce, female, Fiction, Hand and Ring, lawyer, Leavenworth case, Lost Man’s Lane, mother of the detective novel, Mystery, novelist, Novelists, novels, NY, One of my Sons, poetry, Poultney, Presbyterian, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ripley Female College, Risifi's Daughter, That Affair Next Door, The Circular Study, The Mill Mystery, victorian, VT, writer, Writing/Publishing
BALLOU, Miss Ella Maria
Tags: American Woman Suffrage Association, Board of Lady Managers, Business/Banking, businesswoman, Chicago, Chicago Legal News, Chicago Women's Club, Columbian Exposition, editor, Education, educational administrator, IL, Illinois Bar Association, Illinois Women's Press Association, Law, lawyer, Legal News Company, Manchester, Medicine, NY, Sanitary Commission, soldiers, Soldiers' Home Board, South Evanston Industrial School, VT, Women's Rights, World's Congress Auxilliary, Writing/Publishing