Browse Items (27 total)
- Occupational Categories is exactly "Religion/Missionary"
DALL, Mrs. Caroline Wells
Tags: 1821-1830, 1822, abolitionist, Alfred University, American Social Science Association, Anti-Slavery, author, Authors, Caroline Wells Healey Dall, Charles Dall, Education, Georgetown Female Seminary, journalist, June, lecturer, Lee and Shepard, Liberty Bell, Lucretia Mott, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Paulina Wright Davis, preacher, Public Speaking, Religion/Missionary, Roberts Brothers, Samuel Foster Haven, Springfield Republican, teacher, Teachers, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Una, Unitarian, vice-principal, William Henry Herndon, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
BOND, Mrs. Elizabeth Powell
Tags: 1841, 1841-1850, 1926, Aaron Powell, Anti-Slavery, Boston, Cambridge, Catherine Macy Powell, Concord, Connecticut, Dean, Dean Emeritus, Dio Lewis, Dutchess County, Edwin Powell Bond, Elizabeth Macy Powell, Elizabeth Powell Bond, Ellen Emerson, Ellen Tucker Emerson, Fanny Garrison Villard, George Townsend Powell, Germantown, Hannah Clothier Hull, Herrick Tyler Bond, January 25, Louisa May Alcott, March 29, NY, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Reform, reformer, Swarthmore College, Townsend Powell, Vassar College, William Lloyd Garrison
BERRY, Mrs. Martia L. Davis
BUTLER, Miss Clementina
Tags: 1861-1870, 1862, American Ramabai Association, Anna H. Chace, author, Bareilly, biographer, Biographers, Biography, Clementina Butler, Clementina Rowe Butler, Committee on Christian Literature for Women and Children in Mission Fields, Edward Everett Hale, evangelist, Fleming H. Revell, Fleming H. Revell Company, Frances Elizabeth Willard, Harlan Page Beach, Helen Barrett Montgomery, India, January, John Rowe Butler, Joseph Cook, King's Daughters, Lyman Abbott, Methodist Episcopal, missionary work, orator, Orators, Public Speaking, Ramabai Sarasvati, Religion/Missionary, William Butler, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Writing/Publishing
HOLMES, Mrs. Mary Emma
Tags: 1831-1840, 1839, August, author, Authors, Education, Equal Suffrage Association, IL, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Libraries, Mary Emma Holmes, National American Woman Suffrage Association, Peoria, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, religions education teacher, Sunday School teaching, teacher, Teachers, Temperance, temperance reformer, woman suffragist, women's clubs, Women's Rights, World's Congress Auxilliary, Writing/Publishing
MOTT, Mrs. Lucretia
Tags: 1791-1800, 1793, Agnes Nininger Kemp, Amanda Deyo, American Anti-Slavery Society, Anna Gardner, author, Authors, Benjamin Franklin, Citizens' Suffrage Association, Education, Edward M. Davis, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frederick Douglass, Free Religious Association, James Mott, January, John Greenleaf Whittier, Juliet H. Severance, Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone, MA, Martha Coffin Wright, Martha H. Mowry, Mary J. Scarlett Dixon, minister, Nantucket, Nine Partners School, orator, Orators, peace reform, Pennsylvania Peace Society, Phebe Anne Hanaford, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Priscilla Holmes Drake, Public Speaking, Quaker, Rachel Foster Avery, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Susan Brownell Anthony, Swarthmore College, teacher, Teachers, Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, woman suffragist, Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
FOXWORTHY, Miss Alice S.
Tags: 1851-1860, 1852, Alice S. Foxworthy, Boscobel College for Young Ladies, college president, December, Education, educational administrator, educator, George Washinton Fergus Price, Martin College, missionary work, Nashville College for Young Ladies, principal, Religion/Missionary, religions education teacher, Sabbath school teacher, teacher, Teachers, teaching, University of Nashville
MILLER, Mrs. Emily Huntington
Tags: 1831-1840, 1833, AC McClurg & Co., Atlantic Monthly, author, Authors, Brooklyn, Chautauqua, Chautauqua Woman's Club, college president, CT, E P Dutton, Education, educational administrator, Emily Huntington Miller, George F. Root, Harper's Magazine, Independent, journalist, juvenile literature, Little Corporal, lyricist, missionary work, Music, Northwestern University, Oberlin College, October, Our Young Folks, poet, Poets, pseudonym, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Root & Cady, Sunday School teaching, Temperance, temperance reformer, women as authors, Writing/Publishing
GREW, Miss Mary
Tags: 1811-1820, 1813, Anti-Slavery, author, Authors, Boston Female Anti-slavery Society, CT, Hartford, Mary Grew, minister, New Century Club, Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association, Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, September, Unitarian, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
TELFORD, Mrs. Mary Jewett
BRINTON, Mrs. Emma Southwick
Tags: 1831-1840, 1834, April, army nurse, author, Authors, Bradford Academy, Centennial, Emma Brinton Southwick, International Council of Women, International Sunday School Convention, journalist, lecturer, MA, Medicine, nurse, Nurses, Peabody, Public Speaking, Religion/Missionary, Samuel Gridley Howe, Society of Art, traveler, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
CRAIG, Mrs. Charity Rusk
WALLACE, Mrs. Zerelda Gray
Tags: 1811-1820, 1817, August, author, Authors, Bourbon County, Equal Suffrage Society of Indianapolis, Frances Elizabeth Willard, KY, Lew Wallace, May Wright Sewall, Millersburg, missionary work, National Woman Suffrage Convention, orator, Orators, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Susan Arnold Elston Wallace, Susan Brownell Anthony, temperance reformer, woman suffragist, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Women's Council, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing, Zerelda Gray Wallace
LEONARD, Mrs. Anna Byford
Tags: 1841-1850, 1843, Anna Byford Leonard, Art Amateur, art teacher, Art Teachers, artist, Artists, Arts Club, author, Authors, Board of Foreign Missions, china painter, Columbian Exposition, exhibitions, IN, John E. Owens, July, labor reform, League of American Mineral Painters, Mount Vernon, New York Society of Ceramic Arts, Rachel Foster Avery, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, sanitary reformer, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, William Heath Byford, Woman's Congress, World's Congress
SEVERANCE, Mrs. Juliet H.
Tags: 1831-1840, 1833, American Secular Union, Anti-Slavery, Baptist, De Ruyter, International Conference of Free-Thinkers, Juliet H. Severance, Labor Party, Mattie A. Freeman, Medicine, Northern Illinois Association of Spiritualists, NY, physician, Physicians, Politics/Government, Religion/Missionary, Spiritualist, Temperance, temperance reformer, woman suffragist, Women's Rights
FIFIELD, Mrs. Stella A. Gaines
Tags: 1841-1850, 1845, Apostle Island, Ashland, Ashland Press, Business/Banking, businesswoman, Camp Stella, Chicago Seminary, Education, educator, Ella A. Giles, hospitality, journalist, June, MI, MN, Osceola, Paw Paw, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Polk County Press, Presbyterian, Religion/Missionary, religious work, resort, Stella A. Gaines Fifield, Taylor Falls, teacher, Teachers, WI, Wisconsin Editorial Association, Wisconsin Press Association, women as authors, Writing/Publishing
POST, Mrs. Caroline Lathrop
Tags: 1821-1830, 1824, Ashford, Aunt Carrie, author, Authors, Caroline Lathrop Post, Charles William Post, Chicago Advance, Congregationalist, CT, Floral World, Golden Rule, Life and Light, Magazine of Poetry, missionary work, November, poet, poetry, Poets, pseudonym, Religion/Missionary, Sunday Magazine, Woman's Board of Missions, women as authors, Writing/Publishing
BROWN, Mrs. Charlotte Emerson
Tags: 1831-1840, 1838, Abbott Seminary, administrator, Andover, April, Association for the Advancement of Women, author, Authors, Business/Banking, businesswoman, Charlotte Emerson Brown, Education, educator, General Federation of Women, Hannah Lyman, IL, Jane Addams, literary clubs, MA, National Council of Women of the United States, NJ, Orange, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Ralph Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Religion/Missionary, Rockford, Rockford Seminary, Sophia Curtiss Hoffman, suffrage, teacher, Teachers, William Bryant Brown, woman suffragist, Woman's Board of Missions, Woman's Club of Orange NJ, Woman's National Council of the United States, women's clubs, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
CRANE, Mrs. Mary Helen Peck
Tags: 1821-1830, 1827, Asbury Park, Associated Press, church worker, George Peck, Jonathan Townley Crane, journalist, M. Helen Crane, Mary Helen Peck Crane, Methodist Episcopal, New York Tribune, New York World, Newark, NJ, NY, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, PA, Port Jervis, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Stephen Crane, Temperance, temperance reformer, Wilkes Barre, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, women as authors, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
ALDEN, Mrs. Isabella Macdonald
Tags: 1841, 1841-1850, author, Authors, Chautauqua, Daniel Lothrop, Education, educator, Gustavus Rossenberg Alden, Hearth and Presbyter, juvenile literature, Lothrop Publishing Company, missionary work, novelist, November, NY, Oneida Seminary, orator, Orators, Pansy, Presbyterian, Presbyterian Primary Quarterly, pseudonym, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Rochester, Sunday School books, Sunday School teaching, Temperance, temperance reformer, Westminster Teacher, Woman's Occidental Board of Foreign Missions, women as authors, Writing/Publishing
SAWYER, Mrs. Lucy Sargent
MATHER, Mrs. Sarah Ann
Tags: 1811-1820, 1820, African-Americans, art teacher, Art Teachers, Art/Design, Chester, Education, educator, MA, March, Mather Academy, Methodist Episcopal, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, principal, professor, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Sarah Ann Mather
PEEKE, Mrs. Margaret Bloodgood
Tags: 1831-1840, 1838, Arena, Arena Publishing Company, Chicago Alliance, Congregationalist, Detroit Free Press, Erastus Cornelius Benedict, Harper's Young People, Margaret Bloodwood Peeke, Martinist, Metaphysical Magazine, New York City, NY, OH, preacher, Religion/Missionary, religions education teacher, Sandusky, Saratoga Springs
HANAFORD, Rev. Phebe Anne
Tags: 1821-1830, 1829, Association for the Advancement of Women, author, Authors, biographer, Biographers, chaplain, Collective biographies, Connecticut House and Senate, CT, Detroit, editor, First Universalist Church, Grand Templars, Hartford, Hingham, Jersey City, John Greenleaf Adams, Ladies' Repository, Lucretia Mott, MA, Maria Mitchell, May, minister, Myrtle, Nantucket, New Haven, NJ, Olympia Brown, Phebe Anne Hanaford, poet, Poets, Religion/Missionary, Sophia Curtiss Hoffman, Sorosis, teacher, Teachers, Temperance, temperance reformer, Universalist, Waltham, Writing/Publishing
DABBS, Mrs. Ellen Lawson
Tags: 1853-1860, Angelina Virginia Winkler, April, College of Physicians and Surgeons, editor, Education, Edwin Pinckney Becton, Elizabeth Turner Fry, Ellen Lawson Dabbs, Furlow Masonic College, Isadore Miner, mother, newspaper owner, physician, Physicians, Rebecca Henry Hayes, Reform, Religion/Missionary, suffrage, teacher, Temperance, Texas, Texas Equal Rights Association, Texas Woman's Press Association, TX, Wife, Woman's Board of Missions, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Texas, Woman's Congress, Woman's Southern Council, Women's Rights
FRISSELL, Miss Seraph
Tags: 1831-1840, 1840, August, Education, educator, foreign missions, Hampden Medical Society, home missions, MA, Massachusetts Medical Society, Medicine, Mount Holyoke, Peru, physician, Physicians, Pittsfield, professor, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Seraph Frissell, Springfield, Temperance, temperance reformer, University of Michigan, Woman's Board of Missions, Woman's Christian Temperance Union
BURLINGAME, Mrs. Emeline S
Tags: 1831-1840, 1836, Anna Howard Shaw, Atlanta Exposition, Bates College, Belva H. Lockwood, editor, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Emeline S. Burlingame, evangelist, Freewill Baptist, National Council of Women of the United States, Oren Burbank Cheney, Providence High School, Public Speaking, Religion/Missionary, Rhode Island Normal School, RI, September, Smithfield, Susan B. Anthony, Writing/Publishing