Browse Items (55 total)
- Lived or Visited Abroad is exactly "Yes"
BLACKWELL, Miss Elizabeth
LAZARUS, Miss Emma
Tags: 1841-1850, 1849, American Hebrew, author, Authors, Century, Constance Cary Harrison, Emma Lazarus, Emma Lazarus Federation of Women's Clubs, Federation of American Zionists, Galaxy, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Hebrew technical Institute, immigrants, Jewish, July, Lippincott's Magazine, New York City, NY, poet, Poets, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ruth Hollander, Scribner's Magazine, Scribner's Monthly, Statue of Liberty, William Maxwell Evarts, Writing/Publishing
WOOLSON, Abba Goold
Tags: 1831-1840, 1838, Abba Louise Goold Woolson, April, author, Authors, Boston Journal, Brigham Young, Castilian Club of Boston, Concord, Concord High School, dress reform, editor, Education, Fowler Library, Harper & Brothers, Home Journal, John Greenleaf Whittier, journalist, lecturer, Maine Centennial, Mary Jane Safford, ME, Mt. Auburn Girls' School, New England Women's Club, philanthropist, Philanthropy, poet, Portland, Portland Transcript, professor, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Roberts Brothers, teacher, Teachers, William Lloyd Garrison, Windham, Writing/Publishing
DALL, Mrs. Caroline Wells
Tags: 1821-1830, 1822, abolitionist, Alfred University, American Social Science Association, Anti-Slavery, author, Authors, Caroline Wells Healey Dall, Charles Dall, Education, Georgetown Female Seminary, journalist, June, lecturer, Lee and Shepard, Liberty Bell, Lucretia Mott, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Paulina Wright Davis, preacher, Public Speaking, Religion/Missionary, Roberts Brothers, Samuel Foster Haven, Springfield Republican, teacher, Teachers, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Una, Unitarian, vice-principal, William Henry Herndon, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
SEDGWICK, Miss Catharine Maria
Tags: 1781-1790, 1789, Abby Hopper Gibbons, Anna Jameson, Anne Charlotte Lynch Botta, Anti-Slavery, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Education, Fanny Fern, Fanny Kemble, Henry Whitney Bellows, Home for Discharged Female Convicts, Isaac T. Hopper Home, John Greenleaf Whittier, Joseph Story, Lydia Huntley Sigourney, Lydia Maria Child, MA, Nathaniel Parker Willis, New York Prison Association, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, prison reform, Reform, reformer, Sarah Moore Grimke, Sarah Payson Willis Parton, Stockbridge, teacher, Teachers, Unitarian, William Cullen Bryant, Writing/Publishing, Young Ladies' School
WILLARD, Mrs. Allie C.
Tags: 1851-1860, 1860, Allie C. Willard, April, Authors, Bertha J. Baur, biographer, Biographers, Business/Banking, businesswoman, editor, education reformer, Frances Elizabeth Willard, IL, J. T. Mallalieu, L. B. Fifield, Lady Henry Somerset, librarian, Libraries, London Signal, Loup City Times, Nauvoo, Nebraska Editorial Association, Omaha Daily Bee, Politics/Government, postmaster, Postmasters, Reform, reformer, State Senate Clerk, Temperance, temperance reformer, Western Newspaper Union, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Writing/Publishing
COUES, Mrs. Mary Emily Bennett
Tags: 1831-1840, 1835, August, Clara Barton, Edward Everett Hale, Elliott Coues, Floyd Memorial Association, Frances Elizabeth Willard, Mary Emily Bennett Coues, Matilda Joslyn Gage, Myra Bradwell, New York City, NY, Pro Re Nata, Reform, reformer, Theodore Roosevelt, Washington Liberty Bell Association, woman suffragist, Woman's National Liberal Union, Woman's Psychological Congress, women's clubs, Women's Rights, World Psychical Congress
WEST, Mrs. Julia E. Houston
Tags: 1831-1840, 1832, Adelaide Phillips, Alberto Randegger, Ashburnham, Boston Peace Jubilee, Christine Nilsson, Edward Everett Hale, Euphrosyne Parepa-Rosa, Ginerva Guerrabella, Hermine Rudersdorff, John Greenleaf Whittier, John Rogers Thomas, Julia E. Houston West, June, MA, Mendelssohn Quintette Club, Music, Newman Hall, soprano, Wintergreen Club
McCULLOCH, Mrs. Catharine Waugh
Tags: 1861-1870, 1862, Ada Matilda Bittenbender, Alice Stone Blackwell, Anna Howard Shaw, author, Authors, Belva H. Lockwood, Catharine Waite, Catharine Waugh McCulloch, Chicago Commons Settlement House, Emma Gillett, Equity Club, Federation of Chicago, Fiction, Frank Hathorn McCulloch, Illinois Conference of Charities and Corrections, Illinois Equal Suffrage Association, Illinois Woman's Democratic Club, International Council of Women, Julia Holmes Smith, June, Law, lawyer, League of Women Voters, lecturer, McCulloch & McCulloch, National American Woman Suffrage Association, NY, playwright, Public Speaking, Ransomville, Reform, reformer, Rockford College, Rockford Seminary, Supreme Court, Temperance, temperance reformer, Theatre, Union College of Law, woman suffragist, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, women as authors, Women's Bar Association of Illinois, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
BOND, Mrs. Elizabeth Powell
Tags: 1841, 1841-1850, 1926, Aaron Powell, Anti-Slavery, Boston, Cambridge, Catherine Macy Powell, Concord, Connecticut, Dean, Dean Emeritus, Dio Lewis, Dutchess County, Edwin Powell Bond, Elizabeth Macy Powell, Elizabeth Powell Bond, Ellen Emerson, Ellen Tucker Emerson, Fanny Garrison Villard, George Townsend Powell, Germantown, Hannah Clothier Hull, Herrick Tyler Bond, January 25, Louisa May Alcott, March 29, NY, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Reform, reformer, Swarthmore College, Townsend Powell, Vassar College, William Lloyd Garrison
BUTLER, Miss Clementina
Tags: 1861-1870, 1862, American Ramabai Association, Anna H. Chace, author, Bareilly, biographer, Biographers, Biography, Clementina Butler, Clementina Rowe Butler, Committee on Christian Literature for Women and Children in Mission Fields, Edward Everett Hale, evangelist, Fleming H. Revell, Fleming H. Revell Company, Frances Elizabeth Willard, Harlan Page Beach, Helen Barrett Montgomery, India, January, John Rowe Butler, Joseph Cook, King's Daughters, Lyman Abbott, Methodist Episcopal, missionary work, orator, Orators, Public Speaking, Ramabai Sarasvati, Religion/Missionary, William Butler, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Writing/Publishing
MOTT, Mrs. Lucretia
Tags: 1791-1800, 1793, Agnes Nininger Kemp, Amanda Deyo, American Anti-Slavery Society, Anna Gardner, author, Authors, Benjamin Franklin, Citizens' Suffrage Association, Education, Edward M. Davis, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frederick Douglass, Free Religious Association, James Mott, January, John Greenleaf Whittier, Juliet H. Severance, Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone, MA, Martha Coffin Wright, Martha H. Mowry, Mary J. Scarlett Dixon, minister, Nantucket, Nine Partners School, orator, Orators, peace reform, Pennsylvania Peace Society, Phebe Anne Hanaford, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Priscilla Holmes Drake, Public Speaking, Quaker, Rachel Foster Avery, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, Susan Brownell Anthony, Swarthmore College, teacher, Teachers, Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, woman suffragist, Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
DIGHT, Mrs. Mary A. G.
DIGGS, Mrs. Annie Le Porte
Tags: 1851-1860, 1853, Annie Le Porte Diggs, CAN, February, journalist, Kansas Equal Suffrage Association, London, Ontario, People's Party, poet, Politics/Government, Public Speaking, Temperance, temperance reformer, Unitarian, woman suffragist, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
WALLACE, Mrs. Susan Arnold Elston
Tags: 1821-1830, 1830, Atlantic Monthly, author, Authors, Bowen Stewart and Company, Constantinople, Crawfordsville, Crawfordsville Literary Society, December, IN, Independent, Indianapolis Journal, James R. Osgood and Company, Lew Wallace, Literature, Methodist, New York Tribune, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, poet, Susan Arnold Elston Wallace, Turkey, Writing/Publishing, Zerelda Gray Wallace
COCHRANE, Miss Elizabeth
CARPENTER, Miss Ellen M.
BRINTON, Mrs. Emma Southwick
Tags: 1831-1840, 1834, April, army nurse, author, Authors, Bradford Academy, Centennial, Emma Brinton Southwick, International Council of Women, International Sunday School Convention, journalist, lecturer, MA, Medicine, nurse, Nurses, Peabody, Public Speaking, Religion/Missionary, Samuel Gridley Howe, Society of Art, traveler, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
BOOTH, Mrs. Agnes
Tags: 1841-1850, 1843, actress, Adah Isaacs Menken, Agnes Booth, Augustin Daly, AUST, Australia, Booth's Theatre, Boston Theatre, Edwin Booth, Edwin Forrest, John Baptist Schoeffel, John Sleeper Clarke, Junius Brutus Booth, Kate Josephine Bateman, Madison Square Theatre, Marion Agnes, Matilda Charlotte Vining Wood, Mrs John Wood, NIblo's Garden, October, Park Theatre, pseudonym, Sydney, Theatre, Tom Maguire, Union Square Theatre, Winter Garden
ALDRICH, Mrs. Flora L.
LEONARD, Mrs. Anna Byford
Tags: 1841-1850, 1843, Anna Byford Leonard, Art Amateur, art teacher, Art Teachers, artist, Artists, Arts Club, author, Authors, Board of Foreign Missions, china painter, Columbian Exposition, exhibitions, IN, John E. Owens, July, labor reform, League of American Mineral Painters, Mount Vernon, New York Society of Ceramic Arts, Rachel Foster Avery, Reform, reformer, Religion/Missionary, sanitary reformer, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, William Heath Byford, Woman's Congress, World's Congress
LA FETRA, Mrs. Sarah Doan
Tags: 1841-1850, 1843, Alfred Holbrook, Business/Banking, businesswoman, Education, Frances Elizabeth Willard, Grover Cleveland, James Harlan, Judith Ellen Foster, June, Methodist Episcopal, Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church of Washington DC, missionary work, OH, Religion/Missionary, Sabina, Sarah Doan La Fetra, teacher, Teachers, Temperance, temperance reformer, Washington DC, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Woman's Foreign Missionary Association
CHENEY, Mrs. Ednah Dow
Tags: 1821-1830, 1824, Amanda L. Aikens, Anna Garlin Spencer, author, Authors, Autobiography, Boston, Boston School of Design for Women, Christian Examiner, Concord School of Philosophy, Ednah Dow Cheney, Elizabeth Buffum Chace, Free Religious Association, Freedman's Aid Society, Harriet Mulford Stone Lothrop, Horticultural School for Women, Index, James Freeman Clarke, journalist, Julia Ward Howe, June, lecturer, Louisa May Alcott, MA, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Martha H. Mowry, Massachusetts School Suffrage Association, Mount Vernon School, New England Hospital for Women and Children, New England Women's Club, North American Review, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Public Speaking, Radical, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Seth Wells Cheney, suffrage, Theodore Parker, Woman's Journal, Women's Medical College, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
BROWN, Mrs. Charlotte Emerson
Tags: 1831-1840, 1838, Abbott Seminary, administrator, Andover, April, Association for the Advancement of Women, author, Authors, Business/Banking, businesswoman, Charlotte Emerson Brown, Education, educator, General Federation of Women, Hannah Lyman, IL, Jane Addams, literary clubs, MA, National Council of Women of the United States, NJ, Orange, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Ralph Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Religion/Missionary, Rockford, Rockford Seminary, Sophia Curtiss Hoffman, suffrage, teacher, Teachers, William Bryant Brown, woman suffragist, Woman's Board of Missions, Woman's Club of Orange NJ, Woman's National Council of the United States, women's clubs, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
DAVENPORT, Fanny Lily Gipsy
WEBSTER, Miss Helen L.
MOULTON, Mrs. Louise Chandler
Tags: 1831-1840, 1835, Academy, Appleton's, April, Arthur William Edgar O'Shauugnessy, Atheneum, Atlantic Monthly, author, biographer, Biographers, Biography, Boston Sunday Herald, Century, Congregationalist, CT, editor, Galaxy, Harper's Magazine, Henry Chandler Bowen, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, Joaquin Miller, John Greenleaf Whittier, lecturer, literary annuals, Literary World, London Quarterly, Louise Chandler Moulton, Lydia Huntley Sigourney, Mary A. Hastings, Moses Dresser Phillips, New England Magazine, New York Tribune, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Philip Bourke Marston, Phillips Sampson & Company, poet, Poets, Pomfret, Public Speaking, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Roberts Brothers, Scribner's Monthly, travel writing, Troy Female Seminary, Woman's Journal, Writing/Publishing
DWYER, Miss Bessie Agnes
WETHERALD, Miss Agnes Ethelwyn
Tags: 1851-1860, 1857, Agnes Ethelwyn Wetherald, An Algonquin Maiden, April, author, Authors, Bel Thistlewaite, Business/Banking, businesswoman, CAN, Canada, Canadian Monthly, Chicago Current, Christian Union, editor, Elizabeth Cameron, Friends' Boarding School, Graeme Mercer Adam, Harper's Weekly, J. Lovell & Son, journalist, London Canada Advertiser, Magazine of Poetry, novelist, NY, Ontario, Our Wives and Daughters, Pickering College, poet, Poets, pseudonym, publisher, Quaker, Rockwood, St. Nicholas, Toronto Globe, Toronto Saturday Night, Union Springs, Williamson & Co., Woman's Journal, Women's Rights, Youth's Companion
CAMERON, Mrs. Elizabeth
Tags: 1851, 1851-1860, Agnes Ethelwyn Wetherald, Business/Banking, businesswoman, Canada, editor, Elizabeth Cameron, John Cameron, March, Niagara, Ontario, Our Wives and Daughters, publisher, reading clubs, Temperance, temperance reformer, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
BANTA, Mrs. Melissa Elizabeth Riddle
PARKHURST, Mrs. Emelie Tracy Y. Swett
Tags: 1861-1870, 1863, biographer, Biographers, Biography, CA, Charles Edward de Villers, Education, educator, Ella Rhoads Higginson, Helen Hunt Jackson, Jeanne C. Carr Smith, Magazine of Poetry, March, Mary Camilla Foster Hall-Wood, Mary Olmstead Stanton, music teacher, Nellie Blessing Eyster, Overland Monthly, Pacific Coast Literary Bureau, Pacific Coast Women's Press Association, playwright, San Francisco, San Francisco Chronicle, Sarah Brown Ingersoll Cooper, teacher, Teachers, Theatre
BAYLOR, Miss Frances Courtenay
Tags: 1841-1850, 1848, AR, author, Authors, Fayetteville, January, journalist, playwright, San Antonio, TX
AMES, Miss Lucia True
Tags: 1851-1860, 1856, author, Authors, Boscawen, Charles Carleton Coffin, Education, Edwin Doak Mead, Houghton Mifflin & Company, Jane Addams, lecturer, Lucia True Ames, Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association, May, New England Magazine, NH, orator, Orators, peace reform, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, women as authors, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
WILLARD, Miss Frances Elizabeth
Tags: 1831-1840, 1839, Arena, author, Authors, Churchville, editor, Education, educational administrator, educator, Frances Elizabeth Willard, Independent, Jennie Casseday, Julia A. Ames, Lavencia Holcomb Plumb, lecturer, Lepha Eliza Bailey, Mary A. Brayton Woodbridge, Mary Ashton Livermore, Mary Emily Bennett Coues, Mary H. Hunt, Mary Helen Peck Crane, Mary Towne Burt, Matilda B. Carse, Northwestern University, NY, orator, Orators, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, professor, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Sallie F. Chapin, Sarah Doan La Fetra, Temperance, temperance reformer, woman suffragist, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, women as authors, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing, Zerelda Gray Wallace
PEEKE, Mrs. Margaret Bloodgood
Tags: 1831-1840, 1838, Arena, Arena Publishing Company, Chicago Alliance, Congregationalist, Detroit Free Press, Erastus Cornelius Benedict, Harper's Young People, Margaret Bloodwood Peeke, Martinist, Metaphysical Magazine, New York City, NY, OH, preacher, Religion/Missionary, religions education teacher, Sandusky, Saratoga Springs
SIGOURNEY, Mrs. Lydia Huntley
Tags: 1791, 1791-1800, author, Authors, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, CT, D. Appleton and Company, editor, George Rex Graham, Godey's Lady's Book, Graham's Magazine, Hartford, literary annuals, Louis Antoine Godey, Louise Chandler Moulton, Lydia Huntley Sigourney, Moses Dresser Phillips, Norwich, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Phillips Sampson & Company, poems, poet, Poets, Rufus Wilmot Griswold, Sarah Josepha Hale, Sarah Knowles Bolton
FIELD, Mrs. Martha R.
Tags: 1851-1860, 1855, author, Authors, Catharine Cole, circulating libraries, Eliza J. Nicholson, journalist, LA, Libraries, Martha R. Field, Mollie Evelyn Moore Davis, New Orleans, New Orleans Picayune, New Orleans Times-Democrat, pseudonym, San Francisco, San Francisco Post, travel writer, travel writing, Writing/Publishing
DODGE, Miss Hannah Perkins
Tags: 1821-1830, author, Baptist, Codman Hill Young Ladies' School, Dorchester, Education, educator, Edward Everett Hale, Edward Griffin Porter, Eli Thayer, Francis Wayland, George W. Gile, Helen V. Cloues, Isaac Davis, Kalamazoo College, Lawrence Academy, librarian, Libraries, Littleton, MA, New London Literary and Scientific Institution, North Littleton, Oread Institute, Philanthropy, principal, Reform, reformer, superintendent of schools, teacher, Temperance, temperance reformer, Townsend Female Seminary, William Jacob Cloues, Worcester, Writing/Publishing
CARSE, Mrs. Matilda B.
Tags: 1831-1840, 1835, Belfast, Business/Banking, Chicago, Chicago Foundlings Home, Frances Elizabeth Willard, George E. Shipman, IL, Ire, Julia A. Ames, Lady Henry Somerset, Marshall Field, Matilda B. Carse, November, Philanthropy, Reform, reformer, Temperance, temperance reformer, Temperance Temple, Union Signal, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Woman's Club of Chicago, Woman's Temperance Publication Association
AMES, Miss Julia A.
Tags: 1861, 1861-1870, biographer, Biographers, Biography, Chicago Inter-Ocean, Chicago School of Oratory, Circle of King's Daughters, editor, Frances Elizabeth Willard, IL, Illinois Wesleyan University, illustrated biographies, Jennie Casseday, Julia A. Ames, Levancia Holcomb Plumb, Mary Bannister Willard, Matilda B. Carse, October, orator, Orators, Public Speaking, Reform, reformer, Sarah E. Morgan, Streator, Streator High School, Temperance, temperance reformer, Union Signal, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Woman's Temperance Publication Association, women as authors, Writing/Publishing
CRABTREE, Miss Lotta
AIKENS, Mrs. Amanda L.
Tags: 1831-1840, 1833, Amanda L. Aikens, Andrew J. Aikens, Association for the Advancement of Women, editor, Ednah Dow Cheney, Ella A. Giles, Evening Wisconsin, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Julia Ward Howe, MA, Maplewood Institute, Martha H. Mowry, May, Milwaukee, National Conference of Charities, North Adams, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Pittsfield, Politics/Government, WI, Wisconsin Conference of Charities, Wisconsin Industrial School for Girls, Women's Republican Club of Wisconsin, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
AGASSIZ, Mrs. Elizabeth Cabot
ALCOTT, Miss Louisa May
Tags: 1831-1840, 1832, A. M. Barnard, Aaron Kimball Loring, Amos Bronson Alcott, Atlantic Monthly, Authors, Commonwealth, Concord, Education, Edward William Bok, Elizabeth Powell Bond, Fiction, Flora Fairfield, Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, Germantown, Henry Chandler Bowen, Henry David Thoreau, Henry James, Independent, James Redpath, Julia Ward Howe, Louisa May Alcott, Lucy Stone, MA, Mary Ashton Livermore, May Alcott Nieriker, Moncure Daniel Conway, Moods, Norwalk Reflector, November, Old-Fashioned Girl, PA, pseudonym, Putnam's Monthly, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Roberts Brothers, Rose In Bloom, teacher, Theodore Parker, Thomas NIles, William David Ticknor, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
WOODBRIDGE, Mrs. Mary A. Brayton
Tags: 1821-1830, 1830, Aaron Merritt Hills, Amendment Herald, April, Cleveland, Frances Elizabeth Willard, Horace Mann, James A. Garfield, MA, Maria Mitchell, Mary A. Brayton Woodbridge, Nantucket, OH, Phebe Anne Hanaford, Reform, reformer, Temperance, temperance reformer, Woman's Christian Temperance Union
LIPPINCOTT, Mrs. Sara Jane
Tags: 1821-1830, 1823, Abraham Lincoln, All The Year Round, and Fields, Atlantic Monthly, author, Authors, editor, George Mann, George R. Graham, Grace Greenwood, Graham's Magazine, Greenwood Institute, Hammatt Billings, Harper's Magazine, Hearth and Home, Home Journal, Horace Mann, Household Words, Independent, journalist, Julian Hawthorne, Little Pilgrim, Mary Byers, New York Mirror, New York Times, New York Tribune, NY, Onondaga County, Pompey, pseudonym, Reed, Sara Jane Lippincott, September, Tait Sons & Company, Ticknor, Una Hawthorne, Women's Rights, Writing/Publishing
BROWN, Miss Emma Elizabeth
NICHOLLS, Mrs. Rhoda Holmes
Tags: 1851-1860, 1854, Adele Williams, AFR, American Art Association, art teacher, Art Teachers, artist, Artists, Bloomsbury School of Art, Coventry, ENG, exhibitions, ITA, Littlehampton, March, Natalie Sawyier, New York City, New York Water Color Club, NY, Port Elizabeth, Rome, Society of American Artists, South Africa, Sussex, Venice
ROSEWALD, Mrs. Julie
HOFFMAN, Mrs. Sophia Curtiss
Tags: 1821-1830, 1825, Association for the Advancement of Women, Edwin Hubbell Chapin, Emma Abbott, Emma Curtiss Bascom, National Society of New England Women, November, Phebe Anne Hanaford, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Philanthropy, Sarah E. Bourne, Sheffield, Sophia Curtiss Hoffman, Sorosis, Universalist, Women's Rights
BARTON, Miss Clara
Tags: 1821, 1821-1830, author, Authors, Charles Mason, Clara Barton, Clinton Liberal Institute, December, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, James A. Garfield, Kate Brownlee Sherwood, MA, Martha Elvira Stone, Mary Emily Bennett Coues, Medicine, Missing Soldiers Office, National First Aid Association of America, Nettie L White, North Oxford, nurse, Nurses, philanthropist, Philanthropists, Pro Re Nata, reformer, Susan B. Anthony, United States Patent Office, Women's Rights